RayLib 2D Challenge Part 12 - Building a Game Engine Resource Manager
Last time we had Scarfy cheerfully running around collecting coins. Clink clink clink! But, a problem was looming.
Last time we had Scarfy cheerfully running around collecting coins. Clink clink clink! But, a problem was looming.
In the previous RayLib 2D Challenge episode, animated shiny gold coins were spinning nicely. They were loaded from disk using a texture atlas, so adding animated gems or other objects...
in Part 9 of this challenge, Scarfy was happily jumping and running around in his 2D world, and even had background music. That's a great achievement, but rather boring.
My previous CMake tutorial taught the basics: how to compile multiple source files into one program.
In part 8 of this challenge, physics simulation was added so that Scarfy could walk on the terrain. Today, I'm going to add atmosphere with background music.
Part 7 of this challenge got a 2D camera working that smoothly tracks the player. Everything looks great until Scarfy walks too far in either direction.
Part 6 of the RayLib 2D Challenge got the 2D tile-map displaying, but scarfy could easily walk off the screen.
Good news! Tileson can now handle "collection of images" tile maps. At least, my version does. I've yet to share the changes back.
This is NOT what I was planning on writing. I was going to load the tile map created last time, so that Scarfy had a world to run around in.
So far, Scarfy has a title screen & menu, and can run and jump with sound effects. It's high time that a world is built for him to run around in.
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