Our Website Has Moved Again
This website has been moved to a new server. The LTS version of Ubuntu it was running on reached it's End Of Life (EOL), and I decided to take the...
This website has been moved to a new server. The LTS version of Ubuntu it was running on reached it's End Of Life (EOL), and I decided to take the...
As an AmigaOS graphics driver developer I'm always interested in knowing what graphics hardware people are actually using.
Spam and captchas; two really annoying things. One (spam) is the reason why the other (captchas) exists. Today I made the switch from Mollom to Google's reCaptcha, and here's why.
Yes, it's that time of year again. I wish you all a wonderful and Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
This post is a bit random because it has nothing to do with technology. It's about a South Island parrot that the NZTA spotted setting up road cones in front...
I've just come back from the AmiWest show. It's the first time that I've attended, and it was great to be there. I got to:
You've probably heard the old adage that you "learn more from mistakes/failure than success." But is it true? I've seen arguments for both sides, including neuroscientific research which concluded that...
This blog is about to get more technical, because we're going back to what we do best: software/technology development.
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information.