AmigaOS 4.x Hardware & Emulation Survey - The Results
A few weeks ago I got curious about the increased interest in AmigaOS 4.x emulation, and decided to run a survey. The results are in. Many thanks to the 447 people who took the time to fill in the survey. Let's have a quick look at the results...
The Results in Brief
- Roughly one quarter (25.5%) of respondents don't use AmigaOS 4.x regularly, or at all (yet they're interested enough to bother filling in the survey). There are some potential future AmigaOS 4 users in there...
- The majority of respondents use real PowerPC hardware (54.8%)
- Roughly two thirds have never tried AmigaOS 4 under emulation (62.1%), mostly because they're just not interested. Why use an emulator when you've got the real deal?
- Nearly one fifth use emulation exclusively (19.7%)
- Almost one tenth use both hardware and emulation (9.6%)
- UAE (all variants) absolutely dominate among emulation users, with 69.8% using UAE
- Some use both QEMU & UAE (16.8%)
- The smallest group use QEMU along (10.9%). Not surprising given that QEMU only became usable for AmigaOS 4.x fairly recently compared to UAE
- Most common reasons for using emulation:
- AmigaOS 4 on a laptop (OS4 on-the-go)
- Low cost of entry (no need to buy high-priced hardware)
- Use as part of software development (e.g., testing), or some other task such as recording videos of AmigaOS 4 in action
- Most common complaints:
- Slow
- Crash-prone
- Slow/limited graphics drivers (limited resolutions, performance, & no 3D)
- Hard to install
- Other issues such as difficulty transferring files between the host OS and AmigaOS 4 in the emulator
All in all, there's much room for improvement in emulation support, and a potential for new users (and hopefully developers).
Full Results Summary
You can look at the full summary, glorious graphs and all, on this page (link).
Hans de Ruiter 16/06/2023 1:47pm (15 months ago)
The post above is basically my analysis. The only thing I will add, is that emulation for AmigaOS 4 is getting more viable, although there's still some work to be done before it's what I'd consider to be truly usable. Stability, performance, and ease of installation all need to be improved.
As I said, there's potential for new users via emulation. It could provide a low-cost entry for those who want to try out AmigaOS 4, but aren't ready to spend a lot of money on hardware.
Swedish Pete 20/05/2023 4:55pm (16 months ago)
Markus 17/05/2023 12:12pm (16 months ago)