RayLib 2D Challenge Part 9 - Adding Atmosphere with Music
In part 8 of this challenge, physics simulation was added so that Scarfy could walk on the terrain. Today, I'm going to add atmosphere with background music.
In part 8 of this challenge, physics simulation was added so that Scarfy could walk on the terrain. Today, I'm going to add atmosphere with background music.
I wish you all a merry Christmas & happy new year! May 2023 be the best year yet.
One user said he didn't want the status icon, and asked how to remove it. Now that he mentioned it, having control over the docky/SysTray icon is obvious.
Part 7 of this challenge got a 2D camera working that smoothly tracks the player. Everything looks great until Scarfy walks too far in either direction.
What to do when you have a toddler who you'd like to empower with independence, but your light switches are too high? And what can you learn from the solution...
The AmiWest Amiga computer show was last weekend, and I unveiled some of what's coming for ZitaFTP Server.
Part 6 of the RayLib 2D Challenge got the 2D tile-map displaying, but scarfy could easily walk off the screen.
Some users reported having a crash on startup with the new ZitaFTP Server released last week. It was caused by a thread that was missing AmiSSL initialization.
ZitaFTP Server v1.34 has just been released, and can be downloaded here. This version marks a major milestone: it's no longer a pre-release.
Good news! Tileson can now handle "collection of images" tile maps. At least, my version does. I've yet to share the changes back.
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information.