Switching to Google's reCaptcha
Spam and captchas; two really annoying things. One (spam) is the reason why the other (captchas) exists. Today I made the switch from Mollom to Google's reCaptcha, and here's why.
Spam and captchas; two really annoying things. One (spam) is the reason why the other (captchas) exists. Today I made the switch from Mollom to Google's reCaptcha, and here's why.
Alain Thellier recently ported his Cow3D demo/test-program to Warp3D Nova, which allows Warp3D Nova and Warp3D to be compared.
Yes, it's that time of year again. I wish you all a wonderful and Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
The previous tutorial's source-code included animation, but I said that would be a topic for another day. Well, today is that day.
Today I'm going to show you another way to draw coloured triangles with OpenGL (ES). It'll look less interesting than the previous tutorial's method.
Time to put the theory learnt last time into practise. This means turning the phong model into shader code, and feeding the GPU the extra data required (surface normals, light/material...
This post is a bit random because it has nothing to do with technology. It's about a South Island parrot that the NZTA spotted setting up road cones in front...
The next step after "hello triangle" tutorials is usually adding per-vertex colour, but I'm going to do something different.
Simulating lighting is critical to realistic 3D rendering. After all, light is what allows us to see the real world.
Last time I showed you how to set up a windowed OpenGL ES 2 (GLES2) context on AmigaOS. Now lets draw something.
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